— GatsbyJS, Theme, Static site, React, Blog — 1 min read
This website (https://sohelahmed.site) is using amazing gatsby-starter-minimal-blog by Lekoart. Thanks LekoArts.
This blog came into notice of LekoArts. New plugin option
is added in the version 2.7.2 of@lekoarts/gatsby-theme-minimal-blog
package. Thanks again LekoArts. It is recommended to upgrade to that version to avoid manually editing URLs.
By default it comes with blog link without "blog" in URL. Example:
If I create a new blog with slug "my-blog-post" the URL for it will be https://sohelahmed.site/my-blog-post. However I wanted "blog" in the URL https://sohelahmed.site/blog/my-blog-post. So it can be achieved by deleting old posts and creating new with "blog" in the URL in gatsby-node.js
1const withDefaults = require(`@lekoarts/gatsby-theme-minimal-blog-core/utils/default-options`);2const postTemplate = require.resolve(3 `@lekoarts/gatsby-theme-minimal-blog-core/src/templates/post-query.tsx`4);5const pageTemplate = require.resolve(6 `@lekoarts/gatsby-theme-minimal-blog-core/src/templates/page-query.tsx`7);8const contactPageTemplate = require.resolve(9 `./src/@lekoarts/gatsby-theme-minimal-blog-core/templates/contactpage-query.tsx`10);11
12exports.onCreatePage = ({ page, actions }, themeOptions) => {13 const { createPage, deletePage } = actions;14 const old_page = Object.assign({}, page);15
16 const { basePath, blogPath, tagsPath, formatString } = withDefaults(17 themeOptions18 );19
20 const compo_path = `${process.cwd()}/node_modules/@lekoarts/gatsby-theme-minimal-blog-core/src/templates/post-query.tsx`;21 if (page.componentPath === compo_path) {22 deletePage(old_page);23 }24};25
26exports.createPages = async ({ actions, graphql, reporter }, themeOptions) => {27 const { createPage } = actions;28
29 const { basePath, blogPath, tagsPath, formatString } = withDefaults(30 themeOptions31 );32
33 const result = await graphql(`34 query {35 allPost(sort: { fields: date, order: DESC }) {36 nodes {37 slug38 }39 }40 allPage {41 nodes {42 slug43 }44 }45 tags: allPost(sort: { fields: tags___name, order: DESC }) {46 group(field: tags___name) {47 fieldValue48 }49 }50 }51 `);52
53 if (result.errors) {54 reporter.panicOnBuild(55 `There was an error loading your posts or pages`,56 result.errors57 );58 return;59 }60
61 const posts = result.data.allPost.nodes;62
63 posts.forEach((post) => {64 createPage({65 path: `/${basePath}/blog/${post.slug}`.replace(/\/\/+/g, `/`),66 component: postTemplate,67 context: {68 slug: post.slug,69 formatString,70 },71 });72 });73
74 const pages = result.data.allPage.nodes;75
76 if (pages.length > 0) {77 pages.forEach((page) => {78 createPage({79 path: `/${basePath}/${page.slug}`.replace(/\/\/+/g, `/`),80 component:81 page.slug === "/contact" ? contactPageTemplate : pageTemplate,82 context: {83 slug: page.slug,84 },85 });86 });87 }88};